Requirements for a Camp Joy Camper
General Requirements:
- Intellectually Disabled (mentally handicapped such as Down Syndrome, Fragile X, etc.)
- 16 years old or older
- Have Basic Self-Help Skills
- Fully toilet trained (no bathroom assistance except toilet transfer)
- Able to feed and dress themselves with minimal assistance
- Must not have extensive medical needs
- At risk of aspirating food
- Diagnosed as a Brittle Diabetic
- No tube feeding via PEG or DUBHOFF tubing
Dietary Requirements:
- No Special Diets that require separate food preparation such as puree foods or special foods
- Independent feeding abilities
- Campers must be able to eat food prepared by the Camp Joy cafeteria which can accommodate gluten free.
Behavior Requirements:
- Able to benefit and participate from the camp experience
- Able to follow simple directions
- Able to socialize appropriately (no aggressive or violent behaviors) (Campers who exhibit these behaviors will be sent home.)